Uses of Class

Packages that use VReader
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util Provides miscellanious utility classes for the ViPER suite.  
viper.comparison Provides the classes necessary to compare Descriptors, including a simple command line application useful for generating graphs between a large number of cases.  
viper.descriptors Provides the classes necessary to read comparable Descriptors in from a file.  
viper.descriptors.attributes Provides the classes necessary to read Attributes in from a file and compare them.  

Uses of VReader in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util with parameters of type VReader
 boolean Equivalencies.parseMapping(VReader reader)
          Parses in an Equivalency class in ViPER format.

Uses of VReader in viper.comparison

Methods in viper.comparison with parameters of type VReader
 void TrackingEvaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
 void ObjectEvaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
 void FramewiseEvaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
          Parse the vreader section.
 void EvaluationParameters.parse(VReader reader, int level, int targetMatch)
          Parses the given evaluation parameters file, using the given level and match filter information, which must somehow be acquired elsewhere, for now.
 void Evaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
          Parse the vreader section.

Uses of VReader in viper.descriptors

Methods in viper.descriptors with parameters of type VReader
protected  void DescVector.parseData(VReader reader, RuleHolder limits)
 boolean DescriptorConfigs.addDesConfig(VReader reader)
          Reads in Descriptor configuration information from the specified VReader.
 Descriptor DescriptorConfigs.addFromGtf(VReader reader, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in the next Descriptor from a VReader.
static DescPrototype Descriptor.parseDescriptorConfig(VReader reader)
          Reads in a piece of Descriptor configuration data from a VReader.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.parseDescriptorData(VReader reader, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in Descriptor data filtered through this Descriptor's config information.

Uses of VReader in viper.descriptors.attributes

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes with parameters of type VReader
static AttributePrototype AttributePrototype.parseAttributeConfig(VReader reader, boolean mobile)
          Parses an Attribute configuration line.

Uses of VReader in viper.filters

Methods in viper.filters with parameters of type VReader
static RuleHolder LimitationsParser.parse(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
          Parses the current block in the VReader for the limitations information that is found in that block.