Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util

Provides miscellanious utility classes for the ViPER suite.


Interface Summary
ArbitraryIndexList A list that is indexed with 'Comparable' instead of ints.
CircularIterator Enhanced ListIterator with methods for dealing with lists without ends.
DataMatrices.GetCost This interface is for functor objects that uses the nodes of a DataMatrix2d as weighted edges of a bipartite graph.
DataMatrix2d A generalized interface for a 2 dimensional matrix of Objects.
DynamicValue An interval that refers to a value; useful for specifying that an item exists over the given Interval.
ErrorWriter This interface should be used by all classes that perform parsing functions to write compiler-style errors.
ExceptIterator.ExceptFunctor Function object for testing to see if the ExceptIterator should return them.
Incrementable Extension to Comparable objects that allow increment and decrement operations.
Interval Stores an ordered pair of comparable objects that together describe a half-open interval.
IntervalIndexList A list of items that is indexed not by integers but by Comparable objects.
IntervalIndexList.Change Function object interface for the map method of the list.
MappingIterator.MappingFunctor Function object for converting from the domain to range of the map relation.
MatrixIterator An iterator for moving through data arranged in a 2-dimensional matrix.
Numeric A replacement for the java.lang.Number class, which really should be an interface.
ViperSelection Simple selection interface for viper data.
ViperSubTree Represents some selection of elements from a viper tree.

Class Summary
AbstractCircularIterator An abstract iterator that does not have an end, instead returning to the beginning.
AbstractInterval An abstract base class for interval pairs of Comparable objects, such as BigIntegers or Instants.
AbstractMultipleViperSubTree A simple subtree that can have multiple children at each node, unlike the chain-version that abstractViperSubtree supports.
AbstractSingleViperSubTree A simple, chain-type subtree.
AbstractViperSelection Implements event handling for viper selection.
AbstractViperSubTree Implements some of the more annoyingly repetative aspects of the ViperSubTree interface.
AttributeSelection A selection model for a single attribute.
ColorUtilities A quick hack for placeholder colors, these color utility methods and static items allow quick access to colors by their English name.
Combinator This class takes in an array of Objects and runs through all possible k-combinations.
DataMatrices A variety of static methods for manipulating data matrices, including a transpose function and a function for computing the optimal assignment via the Hungarian algorithm.
DataMatrices.PassThrough Assumes Object is an instance of Number, and calls its getLong() method to determine the node cost.
DefaultSingleViperSubTree The default single subtree is a simple chain selection, where the nodes that are descendents of the chain are all marked as selected.
EnumIterator An Iterator wrapper for a java Enumeration.
Equivalencies This allows equivalency between two different Strings.
ExceptIterator Wraps an Iterator to only return those elements that meet the requirements specified by the given ExceptFunctor function object.
Intervals Utility methods for dealing with intervals, ranges and the like.
LengthwiseEncodedList A list, with the elements run length encoded.
MappingIterator Wraps an Iterator to return the given values after having been run through a 'map' function.
PackedMatrix This class implements a simple 2-dimensional matrix as a wrapper around a standard java 2-dimensional array.
Pair Simple object that replicate's c++'s stl pair facility.
Permuter This class takes in an array of Objects and runs through all possible permutations.
Range This class represents a set of Intervals.
Revealer Shows a series of dots, or a message, over a period of time, similar to the dots that run across the screen in an id installer or the old PKZip.
SimpleInterval A simple immutable Interval of Comparable objects.
SparseMatrix This class implements a simple 2-dimensional sparse matrix.
StringHelp This class contains generic static string manipulation and generation functions.
SwingWorker This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
Triple An ordered set of three objects.
UtilTest Testsuite for the geometry package.
ViperSelectionSetWithPrimarySelection An extension to the 'set' type of selection to include information about which node in the viper tree was the last one to be added to the set.
ViperSubTreeChangedEvent This is the change event that should be passed to ChangeListeners that are attached to ViperSubTrees.

Exception Summary
BadDataException This is thrown when the information entered from a file into an attribute's value field does not conform.
MatrixIndexOutOfBoundsException Thrown by DataMatrix2d objects when attempting to access data with a negative index or above the specified boundaries.
MethodNotSupportedException Thrown by classes that may or may not have a specific function implemented, and this instance does not.

Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util Description

Provides miscellanious utility classes for the ViPER suite. It is packaged with the API.