Uses of Class

Packages that use Pnt
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.core Some core, necessary classes for dealing with a ViPER project. 
viper.descriptors.attributes Provides the classes necessary to read Attributes in from a file and compare them.  

Uses of Pnt in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.examples.omegahead

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.examples.omegahead that return Pnt
 Pnt OmegaHeadModel.getCentroid()

Constructors in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.examples.omegahead with parameters of type Pnt
OmegaHeadModel(Pnt centroid, int lineLength, int lineOffset, int majorDiameter, int minorDiameter, int orientation)

Uses of Pnt in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry that return Pnt
 Pnt Polygon.getCentroid()
static Pnt Pnt.valueOf(java.lang.String S)
          Creates a new point from the given number pair.
 Pnt Pnt.getCentroid()
 Pnt OrientedBox.getCentroid()
          Gets the approximate center of the box.
 Pnt HasCentroid.getCentroid()
          Gets a copy of the centroid.
 Pnt Ellipse.getCentroid()
 Pnt ConvexPolygon.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
          Get the point of intersection between the ray from the centroid of this box through q1 that is closest to q1.
 Pnt ConvexPolygon.getCentroid()
          Gets the center of the bounding box of the polygon, for now.
 Pnt Circle.getCenter()
          Returns the center of the circle.
 Pnt Circle.getCentroid()
 Pnt BoxInformation.getCentroid()
          A rational approximation of the box's centroid.
 Pnt BoxInformation.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
          Get the point of intersection between the ray from the centroid of this box through q1 that is closest to q1.
 Pnt BoundingBox.getCentroid()
          Gets the center of the box.
 Pnt BoundingBox.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
          Of the two points on the line between this box's centroid and q1 that instersect this box, this returns the one closer to q1.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry with parameters of type Pnt
static char Util.lineIntersection(Pnt a, Pnt b, Pnt c, Pnt d, Pnt p)
          Sets point p to the intersection of segments ab and cd.
static boolean Util.collinearAndOverlap(Pnt a, Pnt b, Pnt c, Pnt d)
          Tests to see if two line segments are collinear and overlap.
static boolean Util.collinear(Pnt a, Pnt b, Pnt c)
          Checks to see if three points are collinear.
static Rational Util.manhattanDistance(Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Computes the 1-norm of the distance between two points.
static double Util.euclideanDistance(Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Computes the 2-norm of the distance between two points.
 void Squiggle.addPoint(Pnt p)
          Adds a new point at the end of the squiggle.
 boolean Squiggle.diagonalie(Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Determines if the segment ab is a diagonal that doesn't intersect the edge.
 boolean PolyList.contains(Pnt point)
          Tests to see if one of the subpolys contains the given point.
 boolean PolyList.addVertex(Pnt p)
          Adds the vertex to the polygon this represents; this is unimplemented in this root class.
 boolean PolyLine.addVertex(Pnt v)
          Adds the given vertex to the end of the polyline.
 boolean Polygon.addVertex(Pnt v)
          Adds the point to the end of the polygon as a point on its exterior.
 boolean Pnt.isLeftOf(Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Tests to see if this point is to the left of the oriented line segment ab.
 boolean Pnt.isLeftOfOrOn(Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Tests to see if this point is to the left of or on the oriented line segment ab.
 boolean Ellipse.contains(Pnt point)
          Tests to see if the point is within this ellipse.
 Pnt ConvexPolygon.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
          Get the point of intersection between the ray from the centroid of this box through q1 that is closest to q1.
static ConvexPolygon[] ConvexPolygon.clip(ConvexPolygon P, Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Cuts the polygon into two slices.
 boolean ConvexPolygon.addVertex(Pnt point)
          Adds a single point to the polygon.
 boolean ConvexPolygon.contains(Pnt point)
          Tests to see if the point is within this region.
 boolean Circle.contains(Pnt point)
          Tests to see if the given point is within the circle.
 boolean BoxInformation.contains(Pnt point)
          Tests to see if the specified point is within this rectangle
 Pnt BoxInformation.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
          Get the point of intersection between the ray from the centroid of this box through q1 that is closest to q1.
 boolean BoundingBox.contains(Pnt point)
          Tests to see if any of the boxes contains the specified point
 Pnt BoundingBox.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
          Of the two points on the line between this box's centroid and q1 that instersect this box, this returns the one closer to q1.

Uses of Pnt in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.core

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.core that return Pnt
 Pnt DisplayWithRespectToManager.getSmoothedAttrValueAtInstant(Instant i)
          Gets the dwrt point, for translation dwrt, even if the attribute doesn't have a value at the given point.

Uses of Pnt in viper.descriptors.attributes

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes that return Pnt
 Pnt Attribute_obox.Obox.getCentroid()
 Pnt Attribute_obox.Obox.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
 Pnt Attribute_bbox.Bbox.getCentroid()
 Pnt Attribute_bbox.Bbox.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes with parameters of type Pnt
 boolean Attribute_obox.Obox.contains(Pnt point)
 Pnt Attribute_obox.Obox.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)
 boolean Attribute_bbox.Bbox.contains(Pnt point)
 Pnt Attribute_bbox.Bbox.getNearIntersection(Pnt q1)