Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry

A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data.


Interface Summary
BoxInformation An Oriented Box is a rectangle that is rotated about its bottom right corner.
HasCentroid Interface for all geometric objects that have some concept of a 'centroid'.
Moveable Instances of this interface allow movement along the 8 cardinal directions.

Class Summary
AbstractMoveable Implements the 'move' method using the 'shift' method.
BoundingBox This class reprsents a rectangle aligned with the coordinate axes or a set of such rectangles.
Circle A circle, specified by the center point and the radius in integer format, supporting functions necessary for simple comparison.
Component Represents a homogonous vector.
ConvexPolygon A class representing a Convex Polygon.
Ellipse An ellipse.
GeometryTest Testsuite for the geometry package.
OrientedBox An Oriented Box is a rectangle that is rotated about its bottom right corner.
Pnt Represents a 2d point in Rational format.
Polygon This class represents a series of line segments.
PolyLine This class represents a series of line segments.
PolyList This class represents the intersection / union of several Convex Polygons.
Rational Represents numbers as a fraction with two BigIntegers.
Squiggle Represents a squiggly line as a list of connected line segments.
Util A set of utility static methods for dealing with the viper geometry package.

Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry Description

A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data.

Included are classes for dealing with polygonal data, which inherit from viper.geometry.PolyList. There are also some classes for dealing with , but that proved too slow and most of it has been deactivated. There is also a class for dealing with rational numbers, necessary for certain operations on polygons (notably, intersection of lines).