Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.core

Some core, necessary classes for dealing with a ViPER project.


Interface Summary
HasMediator A useful helper interface for objects that have a reference to the viper UI mediator.
Interpolator Interface for beans that support interpolating a given attribute data type.
LostFileFinder.SearchCompleted Code to run when the search completes or the user has browsed for a file or cancelled the search.
NodeVisibilityManager Checks to see if the given ViPER data node is currently visible according to the filters.
PropagateInterpolateModule Interface for the propagate/interpolate bean.
PropagateInterpolateModule.PropagateListener Listens for changes to the current propagation selection.

Class Summary
AboutDialog Displays the about information for the program.
DataUtils Utility methods for dealing with viper data and video files, something the api doesn't present.
DisplayWithRespectToAdapter Simple stub implementation of the dwrt listener.
DisplayWithRespectToManager Manages changes to and the current dwrt attribute.
ExtensionFilter Filters file based on a set of valid extensions.
GT Vocabulary for ViPER-GT preferences.
LOCAL_HISTORY Vocabulary for ViPER-GT preferences.
LostFileFinder Since the user shouldn't have to deal with the fact that the viper metadata files and the media files will be stored independently, the need to have a structured way of locating the media files becomes important.
PrintVersion Print the version number to the command line.
PropagateInterpolateImpl An implementation of the propagation module.
ReallyEmptyBorder An empty border with zero margin size.
RunConfigEditor A main-method class for opening the viper config editor.
RunGT Runs the viper-gt application.
SimpleLoader Simple viewer of viper files.
ViperMediatorChangeEvent Indicates a change that UI elements might want to respond to.
ViperViewMediator Stands between a set of viper metadata and the user interface, providing information about user focus and limiting the scope that the user has to pay attention to.

Exception Summary
LostFileFinder.StoppedFinderException Thrown when the search thread is interrupted.

Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.core Description

Some core, necessary classes for dealing with a ViPER project.