Uses of Class

Packages that use DescriptorConfigs
viper.comparison Provides the classes necessary to compare Descriptors, including a simple command line application useful for generating graphs between a large number of cases.  
viper.descriptors Provides the classes necessary to read comparable Descriptors in from a file.  

Uses of DescriptorConfigs in viper.comparison

Methods in viper.comparison that return DescriptorConfigs
static DescriptorConfigs ViperPE.parseDescriptorConfig(java.lang.String configFileName, java.lang.String dataFileName)
          Reads in config information from a gtf file.

Methods in viper.comparison with parameters of type DescriptorConfigs
static DescriptorData ViperPE.parseDescriptorData(DescriptorConfigs cfgs, java.lang.String dataFileName, EvaluationParameters epf, log)
          Reads in data information from a gtf file.
 void TrackingEvaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
 void ObjectEvaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
 void FramewiseEvaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
          Parse the vreader section.
 void Evaluation.parseEvaluation(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
          Parse the vreader section.
 void CompMatrix.printROCInfo( output, raw, DescriptorConfigs target_configs)
          Prints out ROC information.
 void CompMatrix.printPR( output, raw, DescriptorConfigs targetConfigs)
          Deprecated. CompMatrices should only be accessed through CompEvaluators, which have their own printPR function.
 void CompEvaluator.printCurrentFM( output, raw, DescriptorConfigs targetConfigs)
          Print the current false/missed information to the given raw and human-readable outputs.
 void CompEvaluator.printCandidates( output, raw, DescriptorConfigs targetConfigs)
          Print the current surviving candidate information to the given raw and human-readable outputs.
 void CompEvaluator.printPR( output, raw, DescriptorConfigs targetConfigs)
          Print out precision and recall information.

Constructors in viper.comparison with parameters of type DescriptorConfigs
EvaluationParameters(DescriptorConfigs descriptorProtos)
          Creates a new instance of EvaluationParameters

Uses of DescriptorConfigs in viper.descriptors

Methods in viper.descriptors that return DescriptorConfigs
 DescriptorConfigs DescriptorData.getDescriptorConfigs()
          Gets the DescriptorConfigs associated with this data.
 DescriptorConfigs DescHolder.getDescriptorConfigs()
static DescriptorConfigs Converter.getConfigs(org.w3c.dom.Document root)
          Gets the descriptor schema described in the give viper xml file.

Methods in viper.descriptors with parameters of type DescriptorConfigs
 void DescriptorData.parseData(java.util.List allFiles, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, RuleHolder limits, Equivalencies map)
          Reads in Descriptor data from the specified list of filenames with the specified config info.
 void DescriptorData.parseData(org.xml.sax.InputSource input, Equivalencies map, RuleHolder limits, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, logfile)
          Reads in Descriptor data from the specified XML input source.
 void DescHolder.setDescriptorConfigs(DescriptorConfigs cfgs)
          Sets the descriptor schema associated with this holder.
 void DescHolder.parseData(java.util.List allFiles, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, RuleHolder limits, Equivalencies map)
          Parse the data.
 void DescHolder.parseData(java.util.List allFiles, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, RuleHolder limits, Equivalencies map, boolean all, boolean err, boolean warn, boolean bad, boolean totals)
          Parse the data.
 void DescHolder.parseData(org.xml.sax.InputSource input, Equivalencies map, RuleHolder limits, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, logfile)
          Parses data from an XML file.
 void DescHolder.parseData(org.w3c.dom.Document document, Equivalencies map, RuleHolder limits, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, logfile, java.lang.String filename)
          Parses data from an XML DOM document root.
static RuleHolder Converter.getRuleHolder(DescriptorConfigs gtCfgs, java.lang.String filterName)
          Parses in the given rules file.

Uses of DescriptorConfigs in viper.filters

Methods in viper.filters with parameters of type DescriptorConfigs
static RuleHolder LimitationsParser.parse(VReader reader, DescriptorConfigs dcfgs)
          Parses the current block in the VReader for the limitations information that is found in that block.