Uses of Class

Packages that use Descriptor
viper.comparison Provides the classes necessary to compare Descriptors, including a simple command line application useful for generating graphs between a large number of cases.  
viper.descriptors Provides the classes necessary to read comparable Descriptors in from a file.  

Uses of Descriptor in viper.comparison

Methods in viper.comparison with parameters of type Descriptor
 boolean EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.comparable(Descriptor T, Descriptor C)
          Determine if two descriptors are comparable.
 boolean EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.isOutputableTarget(Descriptor desc)
          Determine if the target descriptor meets the output scoping rules.
 boolean EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.isOutputableCandidate(Descriptor desc)
          Determine if the candidate descriptor meets the output scoping rules.
 boolean EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.inScope(Descriptor desc)
          Determine if the descriptor's type is compatable with the current set of evaluations.
 AttrMeasure EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.getMeasure(Descriptor desc, java.lang.String attr)
          Gets the major measure for the given attribute.
 java.util.Map EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.getAllMeasuresFor(Descriptor desc)
          Return all current mappings for the given descriptor type
 java.util.Iterator EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.getInScopeAttributesFor(Descriptor desc)
          Gets the names of the attributes that are in scope.
 boolean CompMatrix.caresAboutTarget(Descriptor d)
          Determines if the target should be ignored.
 boolean CompMatrix.caresAboutCandidate(Descriptor d)
          Determines if the candidate should be ignored.
 void CompMatrix.addPRInfo(Descriptor currConfigDesc, viper.comparison.PrecisionRecall counts)
          Adds the descriptor precision and recall infromation to the running total.
 void Comparison.reset(Descriptor target, Descriptor candidate, Equivalencies map)
          Resets the comparison between two descriptors to Comparison.UNCOMPARABLE or Comparison.STARTED.
protected  void Comparison.setPointers(Descriptor target, Descriptor candidate)
          Sets the Descriptor pointers.

Constructors in viper.comparison with parameters of type Descriptor
Comparison(Descriptor target, Descriptor candidate, Equivalencies map)
          This constructor takes in the type of Descriptor to cr DSD - Initial value is -2, if the are not the same category, -1 if they are.

Uses of Descriptor in viper.descriptors

Subclasses of Descriptor in viper.descriptors
 class DescAggregate
          Acts as a composition of Descriptors.
 class DescPrototype
          The DescPrototype is a descriptor object that does not contain data and supports
 class DescSingle
          This class represents a Descriptor of a given visual element in a video file.

Methods in viper.descriptors that return Descriptor
 Descriptor DescVector.getNodeByID(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int idNumber)
 Descriptor DescSingle.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
 Descriptor DescSingle.crop(FrameSpan span)
 Descriptor DescriptorList.getNodeByID(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int idNumber)
          Returns the Descriptor with the given id number and type.
 Descriptor DescriptorConfigs.addFromGtf(VReader reader, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in the next Descriptor from a VReader.
 Descriptor DescriptorConfigs.addFromGtf(org.w3c.dom.Element curr, DescVector relativeVector)
          Parses the given descriptor instance element.
abstract  Descriptor Descriptor.crop(FrameSpan span)
          Like clone, but only clones a subset of this descriptor.
static Descriptor Descriptor.composeThese(java.util.Iterator L, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Turns a list of Descriptors into a single Descriptor in order.
abstract  Descriptor Descriptor.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Composes this descriptor with the given descriptor under the given set of scope and composition rules.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.create()
          Creates a new, empty descriptor from this type information.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Cannot compose prototypes
 Descriptor DescPrototype.parseDescriptorData(VReader reader, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in Descriptor data filtered through this Descriptor's config information.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.parseDescriptorData(org.w3c.dom.Element myElement, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in the data in xml format.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.crop(FrameSpan span)
          Does nothing.
 Descriptor DescAggregate.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Returns a new descriptor eqiuvalent to this+D.
 Descriptor DescAggregate.crop(FrameSpan span)
 Descriptor CanonicalFileDescriptor.getDescriptor()
          Gets the instance of the file descriptor.

Methods in viper.descriptors with parameters of type Descriptor
 void DescVector.addDescriptor(Descriptor desc)
 Descriptor DescSingle.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
 void DescriptorList.addDescriptor(Descriptor desc)
          Adds a new descriptor to this set.
 boolean Descriptor.sameCategoryAs(Descriptor other, Equivalencies map)
          Tests to see if the descriptors refer to the same type under the given ontology mapping.
abstract  Descriptor Descriptor.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Composes this descriptor with the given descriptor under the given set of scope and composition rules.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Cannot compose prototypes
 Descriptor DescAggregate.compose(Descriptor D, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules scope)
          Returns a new descriptor eqiuvalent to this+D.
 java.lang.String CanonicalFileDescriptor.set(Descriptor cfd)
          Sets the canonical file descriptor to the given FILE Information descriptor
 java.lang.String CanonicalFileDescriptor.set(Descriptor cfd, boolean fixSourcefileThatStartAt0)
          Sets the canonical file descriptor to the given FILE Information descriptor

Uses of Descriptor in viper.filters

Methods in viper.filters with parameters of type Descriptor
 boolean RuleHolder.meetsCriteria(Descriptor to_be_tested)
          Checks if the descriptor meets the criteria set by the limitation rules