Uses of Class

Packages that use Range
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util Provides miscellanious utility classes for the ViPER suite.  
viper.api.time This package provides a set of classes for working with time and time series data. 

Uses of Range in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util that return Range
 Range Range.intersect(IntervalIndexList list)
          Gets the range shared by this and the specified range.
 Range Range.union(Range o)
          Gets the union of this and the specified range.
 Range Range.intersectComplement(Range o)
          Gets all elements from this that are not elements of the specified range.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util with parameters of type Range
protected  void Range.cloneInto(Range r)
 boolean Range.intersects(Range r)
          Tests to see if the this intersects the other range.
 Range Range.union(Range o)
          Gets the union of this and the specified range.
 Range Range.intersectComplement(Range o)
          Gets all elements from this that are not elements of the specified range.

Uses of Range in viper.api.time

Subclasses of Range in viper.api.time
 class InstantRange
          A range of Instants - basically, a set of non-overlapping Intervals, or a set of Instant objects.