Uses of Interface

Packages that use IntervalIndexList
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util Provides miscellanious utility classes for the ViPER suite.  
viper.api.time This package provides a set of classes for working with time and time series data. 

Uses of IntervalIndexList in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util

Classes in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util that implement IntervalIndexList
 class Range
          This class represents a set of Intervals.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util that return IntervalIndexList
 IntervalIndexList Range.subList(java.lang.Comparable start, java.lang.Comparable stop)
static IntervalIndexList Intervals.singleton(Interval i)
          Gets an IntervalIndexList that refers to a single interval.
 IntervalIndexList IntervalIndexList.subList(java.lang.Comparable start, java.lang.Comparable stop)
          Gets the sublist in the given interval

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.util with parameters of type IntervalIndexList
 Range Range.intersect(IntervalIndexList list)
          Gets the range shared by this and the specified range.
 boolean Range.addAll(IntervalIndexList l)
 boolean IntervalIndexList.addAll(IntervalIndexList l)
          Adds all the elements from the given list at their specified locations

Uses of IntervalIndexList in viper.api.time

Subinterfaces of IntervalIndexList in viper.api.time
 interface TemporalRange
          A temporal range is a set of frames that may not be contiguous.

Classes in viper.api.time that implement IntervalIndexList
 class InstantRange
          A range of Instants - basically, a set of non-overlapping Intervals, or a set of Instant objects.
 class MultipleRange
          Acts as an aggregate of several TemporalRange objects.
 class TimeEncodedIntegerVector
          A list of integers encoded by time.
 class TimeEncodedList
          A list, with the elements run length encoded.

Methods in viper.api.time that return IntervalIndexList
 IntervalIndexList TimeEncodedList.subList(java.lang.Comparable start, java.lang.Comparable stop)
          Gets the sublist in the given interval
 IntervalIndexList MultipleRange.subList(java.lang.Comparable start, java.lang.Comparable stop)
          Gets the sublist in the given interval

Methods in viper.api.time with parameters of type IntervalIndexList
 boolean TimeEncodedList.addAll(IntervalIndexList l)
          Adds all the elements from the given list at their specified locations
 boolean MultipleRange.addAll(IntervalIndexList l)
          Adds all the elements from the given list at their specified locations