Uses of Class

Packages that use Equivalencies
viper.comparison Provides the classes necessary to compare Descriptors, including a simple command line application useful for generating graphs between a large number of cases.  
viper.descriptors Provides the classes necessary to read comparable Descriptors in from a file.  
viper.descriptors.attributes Provides the classes necessary to read Attributes in from a file and compare them.  

Uses of Equivalencies in viper.comparison

Methods in viper.comparison that return Equivalencies
 Equivalencies EvaluationParameters.getMap()
          Get the map from target to candidate descriptors and attributes.
 Equivalencies EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules.getMap()
          Gets the ontology mapping this set of scope rules uses.

Methods in viper.comparison with parameters of type Equivalencies
 void Comparison.reset(Descriptor target, Descriptor candidate, Equivalencies map)
          Resets the comparison between two descriptors to Comparison.UNCOMPARABLE or Comparison.STARTED.

Constructors in viper.comparison with parameters of type Equivalencies
Comparison(Descriptor target, Descriptor candidate, Equivalencies map)
          This constructor takes in the type of Descriptor to cr DSD - Initial value is -2, if the are not the same category, -1 if they are.

Uses of Equivalencies in viper.descriptors

Methods in viper.descriptors that return Equivalencies
 Equivalencies DescVector.getMap()
          Gets the map of the parent DescriptorData that holds the information for this sourcefile.
 Equivalencies DescriptorList.getMap()
          Gets the Equivalency map for this list.
 Equivalencies DescriptorData.getMap()
          Gets the Equivalency map for this list.
 Equivalencies DescHolder.getMap()
          Gets the Equivalency map for this list.

Methods in viper.descriptors with parameters of type Equivalencies
 void DescVector.setMap(Equivalencies map)
          Sets the map of the parent DescriptorData that holds the information for this sourcefile.
 java.util.Iterator DescVector.getNodesByType(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, Equivalencies map)
          Returns the first Descriptor in the list with the specified category and title.
 void DescriptorList.setMap(Equivalencies map)
          Sets the equivalency map of the list.
 void DescriptorData.setMap(Equivalencies map)
          Sets the equivalency map of the list.
 void DescriptorData.parseData(java.util.List allFiles, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, RuleHolder limits, Equivalencies map)
          Reads in Descriptor data from the specified list of filenames with the specified config info.
 void DescriptorData.parseData(org.xml.sax.InputSource input, Equivalencies map, RuleHolder limits, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, logfile)
          Reads in Descriptor data from the specified XML input source.
 int Descriptor.getAttributeIndex(java.lang.String name, Equivalencies map)
          Gets the index of the attribute with the given name, under the given ontology mapping.
 boolean Descriptor.sameCategoryAs(Descriptor other, Equivalencies map)
          Tests to see if the descriptors refer to the same type under the given ontology mapping.
 Attribute Descriptor.getAttribute(java.lang.String attribName, Equivalencies map)
          Gets the attribute with the given name.
 void DescHolder.parseData(java.util.List allFiles, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, RuleHolder limits, Equivalencies map)
          Parse the data.
 void DescHolder.parseData(java.util.List allFiles, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, RuleHolder limits, Equivalencies map, boolean all, boolean err, boolean warn, boolean bad, boolean totals)
          Parse the data.
 void DescHolder.parseData(org.xml.sax.InputSource input, Equivalencies map, RuleHolder limits, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, logfile)
          Parses data from an XML file.
 void DescHolder.parseData(org.w3c.dom.Document document, Equivalencies map, RuleHolder limits, DescriptorConfigs cfgs, logfile, java.lang.String filename)
          Parses data from an XML DOM document root.
 void DescHolder.setMap(Equivalencies map)
          Sets the equivalency map of the list.

Uses of Equivalencies in viper.descriptors.attributes

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes with parameters of type Equivalencies
 boolean AbstractAttribute.named(java.lang.String S, Equivalencies map)
          Returns true if the Attribute is named S or mapped to S under map.