Uses of Class

Packages that use Rational   
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data
viper.api.time This package provides a set of classes for working with time and time series data. 
viper.descriptors.attributes Provides the classes necessary to read Attributes in from a file and compare them.  

Uses of Rational in

Fields in declared as Rational
static Rational[] PelAspectRatio.RATIONAL_PEL_RATIOS

Methods in that return Rational
 Rational PelAspectRatio.getRationalValue()

Uses of Rational in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry

Fields in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry declared as Rational
protected  Rational PolyList.area
          The area.
 Rational Component.x
          The first scalar in the vector, representing the x dimension.
 Rational Component.y
          The second scalar in the vector, representing the y dimension.
 Rational Component.t
          The homogonizing scalar.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry that return Rational
static Rational Util.areaSign(Component a, Component b, Component c)
          Calculates a minus b cross a minus c, or (a-b)x(a-c).
static Rational Util.manhattanDistance(Pnt a, Pnt b)
          Computes the 1-norm of the distance between two points.
 Rational Rational.setTo(Rational old)
          Set this to the given value.
 Rational Rational.setTo(long numerator)
          Set this to the given value.
 Rational Rational.setTo(long numerator, long denominator)
          Set this to the given value.
 Rational Rational.negate()
          Turns negates fraction upside-down, by negating its numerator.
 Rational Rational.reciprocate()
          Turns this fraction upside-down, by turning it to its reciprocal.
 Rational Rational.abs()
          Changes this to refer to its abolute value
 Rational Rational.square()
          Square a Rational.
static Rational Rational.parseRational(java.lang.String valStr)
 Rational PolyList.area()
          Get the area of coverage by these polygons.
 Rational Pnt.getX()
          Gets the x-coordinate of the point.
 Rational Pnt.getY()
          Gets the y-coordinate of the point.
 Rational Ellipse.getX()
          Gets the x-coordinate of the origin
 Rational Ellipse.getY()
          Gets the y-coordinate of the origin
 Rational Ellipse.getWidth()
          Gets the width of the ellipse
 Rational Ellipse.getHeight()
          Gets the height of the ellipse
 Rational ConvexPolygon.area()
          Finds the area inside the polygon.
static Rational a, Component b)
          Returns the dot product of the two input vectors.
 Rational BoundingBox.area()
          Calculates the area of the box(es)

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry with parameters of type Rational
 Rational Rational.setTo(Rational old)
          Set this to the given value.
 boolean Rational.lessThan(Rational other)
          Checks to see if this is less than another Rational.
 boolean Rational.greaterThan(Rational other)
          Checks to see if this is greater than another Rational.
 boolean Rational.lessThanEqualTo(Rational other)
          Checks to see if this is less than or equal to another Rational.
 boolean Rational.greaterThanEqualTo(Rational other)
          Checks to see if this is greater than or equal to another Rational.
static void first, Rational second, Rational result)
          Subtracts one Rational from another and stores the result into a third.
static void Rational.minus(Rational first, Rational second, Rational difference)
          Subtracts one Rational from another and stores the result into a third.
static void Rational.multiply(Rational first, Rational second, Rational result)
          Multiplies two Rationals and stores the result into a third.
static void Rational.multiply(Rational first, long second, Rational result)
          Multiplies a Rational with a long and stores the result into another Rational.
static void Rational.divide(Rational numerator, Rational denominator, Rational quotient)
          Divides two Rationals and stores the result in a third.

Constructors in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry with parameters of type Rational
Rational(Rational old)
          Constructs a new Rational with the given value.
Pnt(Rational X, Rational Y)
          Constructs a new Pnt at the given location.
Component(Rational X, Rational Y, Rational T)
          Constructs a new Component with the given coordinates in Rationals.

Uses of Rational in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.players

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.players that return Rational
 Rational NotFoundPlayer.getPixelAspectRatio()
abstract  Rational DataPlayer.getPixelAspectRatio()
          Gets the pixel aspect ratio.

Uses of Rational in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.remote

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.remote that return Rational
 Rational ViperControls.getFrameRate()
 Rational ViperControls.getFrameRateMultiplier()

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.remote with parameters of type Rational
 void ViperControls.setFrameRate(Rational frameRate)
 void ViperControls.setFrameRateMultiplier(Rational frameRateMultiplier)

Uses of Rational in viper.api.time

Constructors in viper.api.time with parameters of type Rational
FrameRate(Rational fpn)
          Takes the frame rate in directly as a rational number.

Uses of Rational in viper.descriptors.attributes

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes that return Rational
 Rational Attribute_polygon.getArea()
          Gets the area of the polygon.
 Rational Attribute_polygon.getAreaOfIntersectionWith(Attribute_polygon other)
          Gets the area of the polygon shared with the other polygon.