Uses of Class

Packages that use PolyList
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data
viper.descriptors.attributes Provides the classes necessary to read Attributes in from a file and compare them.  

Uses of PolyList in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry

Subclasses of PolyList in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry
 class BoundingBox
          This class reprsents a rectangle aligned with the coordinate axes or a set of such rectangles.
 class ConvexPolygon
          A class representing a Convex Polygon.
 class OrientedBox
          An Oriented Box is a rectangle that is rotated about its bottom right corner.
 class Polygon
          This class represents a series of line segments.
 class PolyLine
          This class represents a series of line segments.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry that return PolyList
static PolyList PolyList.union(PolyList alpha, PolyList zappa)
          Generate the union of two PolyLists.
static PolyList PolyList.intersection(PolyList alpha, PolyList zappa)
          Find the intersection of two PolyLists.
 PolyList PolyList.getIntersection(PolyList other)
          Get the intersection of this PolyList with another.
 PolyList ConvexPolygon.getIntersection(PolyList other)
          Gets the region shared between this polygon and all those in the specified PolyList.
static PolyList ConvexPolygon.subtract(ConvexPolygon P, ConvexPolygon Q)
          Subtracts the second shape from the first.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry with parameters of type PolyList
static PolyList PolyList.union(PolyList alpha, PolyList zappa)
          Generate the union of two PolyLists.
static PolyList PolyList.intersection(PolyList alpha, PolyList zappa)
          Find the intersection of two PolyLists.
 PolyList PolyList.getIntersection(PolyList other)
          Get the intersection of this PolyList with another.
protected  void PolyList.addPoly(PolyList shape)
          Sets this PolyList into this unioned with the given shape.
 int PolyList.getFragmentationCount(PolyList other)
          Gets a count of how many original polygons the other hits.
 boolean PolyList.intersects(PolyList other)
          Tests to see if this region intersects the given region.
 PolyList ConvexPolygon.getIntersection(PolyList other)
          Gets the region shared between this polygon and all those in the specified PolyList.

Constructors in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry with parameters of type PolyList
PolyList(PolyList old)
          Constructs a PolyList copy of an old PolyList.

Uses of PolyList in viper.descriptors.attributes

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes with parameters of type PolyList
 viper.descriptors.attributes.Attribute_polygon.AbstractPolygonValue Attribute_obox.Obox.setValue(PolyList newVal)
 viper.descriptors.attributes.Attribute_polygon.AbstractPolygonValue Attribute_bbox.Bbox.setValue(PolyList newVal)