Uses of Interface

Packages that use Moveable
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data

Uses of Moveable in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry

Classes in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry that implement Moveable
 class AbstractMoveable
          Implements the 'move' method using the 'shift' method.
 class BoundingBox
          This class reprsents a rectangle aligned with the coordinate axes or a set of such rectangles.
 class Circle
          A circle, specified by the center point and the radius in integer format, supporting functions necessary for simple comparison.
 class Ellipse
          An ellipse.
 class OrientedBox
          An Oriented Box is a rectangle that is rotated about its bottom right corner.
 class Pnt
          Represents a 2d point in Rational format.
 class Polygon
          This class represents a series of line segments.
 class Squiggle
          Represents a squiggly line as a list of connected line segments.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry that return Moveable
 Moveable Squiggle.move(int direction, int distance)
 Moveable Squiggle.shift(int x, int y)
 Moveable Polygon.move(int direction, int distance)
          Creates a new copy of this movable item, shifted in the given direction by the given number of pixels.
 Moveable Polygon.shift(int x, int y)
          Shifts the moveable by the given amount.
 Moveable Pnt.move(int direction, int distance)
          Moves the box in the given direction.
 Moveable Pnt.shift(int x, int y)
 Moveable OrientedBox.move(int direction, int distance)
 Moveable OrientedBox.shift(int x, int y)
 Moveable Moveable.move(int direction, int distance)
          Creates a new copy of this movable item, shifted in the given direction by the given number of pixels.
 Moveable Moveable.shift(int x, int y)
          Shifts the moveable by the given amount.
 Moveable Ellipse.move(int direction, int distance)
 Moveable Ellipse.shift(int x, int y)
 Moveable Circle.move(int direction, int distance)
 Moveable Circle.shift(int x, int y)
 Moveable BoundingBox.move(int direction, int distance)
          Gets a copy of the box, shifted by the given amount in the specified direction.
 Moveable BoundingBox.shift(int x, int y)
 Moveable AbstractMoveable.move(int direction, int distance)
          Gets a copy of the box, shifted by the given amount in the specified direction.