Uses of Class

Packages that use BoundingBox
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry A set of classes for manipulating geometric data, usually used for ViPER attribute data

Uses of BoundingBox in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry

Fields in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry declared as BoundingBox
protected  BoundingBox PolyList.bbox
          A BoundingBox that surrounds the PolyList.
protected  BoundingBox PolyLine.bbox
          A BoundingBox that surrounds the set of lines.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry that return BoundingBox
 BoundingBox Squiggle.getBoundingBox()
          Gets the closest bounding box around the squiggle.
 BoundingBox PolyList.getBoundingBox()
          Gets the closest box around the set of polygons.
 BoundingBox PolyLine.getBoundingBox()
          Gets the nearest bounding box that contains the line
 BoundingBox Polygon.getBoundingBox()
          Gets the closest bounding box surrounding this polygon.
 BoundingBox Ellipse.getBoundingBox()
          Gets the bounding box around the ellipse
 BoundingBox Circle.getBoundingBox()
          Gets the closest square surrounding the circle.
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.intersection(BoundingBox A, BoundingBox B)
          This creates a new box that represents the area shared by two boxes.
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.valueOf(java.lang.String S)
          Creates a new Box from a string representation.
 BoundingBox BoundingBox.setTo(BoundingBox other)
          Like an overloaded '='.
 BoundingBox BoundingBox.copy()
          Like clone, but returns the right type.
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.union(BoundingBox A, BoundingBox B)
          Gets a set of boxes which covers all and only the pixels covered by A and B.

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.geometry with parameters of type BoundingBox
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.intersection(BoundingBox A, BoundingBox B)
          This creates a new box that represents the area shared by two boxes.
 boolean BoundingBox.intersects(BoundingBox other)
          Tests whether this box intersects the specified box.
 BoundingBox BoundingBox.setTo(BoundingBox other)
          Like an overloaded '='.
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.union(BoundingBox A, BoundingBox B)
          Gets a set of boxes which covers all and only the pixels covered by A and B.
 void BoundingBox.extendToContain(BoundingBox other)
          Unions this with the specified box(es) and sets this to that union.