Uses of Interface

Packages that use DescriptorData
viper.comparison Provides the classes necessary to compare Descriptors, including a simple command line application useful for generating graphs between a large number of cases.  
viper.descriptors Provides the classes necessary to read comparable Descriptors in from a file.  

Uses of DescriptorData in viper.comparison

Methods in viper.comparison that return DescriptorData
static DescriptorData ViperPE.parseDescriptorData(DescriptorConfigs cfgs, java.lang.String dataFileName, EvaluationParameters epf, log)
          Reads in data information from a gtf file.

Constructors in viper.comparison with parameters of type DescriptorData
CompEvaluator(DescriptorData targets, DescriptorData candidates, double statThreshold, int matchType, EvaluationParameters.ScopeRules epf, log)
          Creates a new evaluator, which compares several files and descriptor types, making it somewhat more general than a CompMatrix.

Uses of DescriptorData in viper.descriptors

Classes in viper.descriptors that implement DescriptorData
 class DescHolder
          Implements the DescriptorData interface for the old data file format, as well as the XML format.

Methods in viper.descriptors that return DescriptorData
 DescriptorData DescVector.getParent()
 DescriptorData DescriptorList.getParent()
          Gets the parent set of descriptor lists.

Methods in viper.descriptors with parameters of type DescriptorData
 void DescriptorData.merge(DescriptorData other)
          Adds the data from the other DescriptorData to this one.
 void DescHolder.merge(DescriptorData other)

Constructors in viper.descriptors with parameters of type DescriptorData
DescVector(DescriptorData parent)
          Constructs an empty list of descriptors with the given parent data holder.
DescVector(int initialCapacity, DescriptorData parent)
          Constructs an empty list of descriptors with the given parent data holder.
DescriptorConfigs(DescriptorData parent)
          Constructs an empty set of DescriptorConfigs.
Converter(DescriptorData descriptors, java.util.Properties props)
          Create a new converter object for the given set of descriptor lists.