Uses of Class

Packages that use DescVector
viper.descriptors Provides the classes necessary to read comparable Descriptors in from a file.  
viper.descriptors.attributes Provides the classes necessary to read Attributes in from a file and compare them.  

Uses of DescVector in viper.descriptors

Subclasses of DescVector in viper.descriptors
 class DescriptorConfigs
          A collection of Descriptor Objects that supports various operations on them, such as comparison between to DescVector, collection of statistics, reading and printing from files, and various others.

Methods in viper.descriptors with parameters of type DescVector
 Descriptor DescriptorConfigs.addFromGtf(VReader reader, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in the next Descriptor from a VReader.
 Descriptor DescriptorConfigs.addFromGtf(org.w3c.dom.Element curr, DescVector relativeVector)
          Parses the given descriptor instance element.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.parseDescriptorData(VReader reader, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in Descriptor data filtered through this Descriptor's config information.
 Descriptor DescPrototype.parseDescriptorData(org.w3c.dom.Element myElement, DescVector relativeVector)
          Reads in the data in xml format.
 void DescHolder.parseData(DescVector data)
          Parses a DescVector in flat format into a multifile format.

Uses of DescVector in viper.descriptors.attributes

Methods in viper.descriptors.attributes with parameters of type DescVector
 void Attribute.setValue(java.lang.String s, ErrorWriter err, FrameSpan span, DescVector neighbors)
          Sets the value of this attribute, using the given string.
 void Attribute.setValue(org.w3c.dom.Element el, FrameSpan span, DescVector neighbors)
          Sets the value of the attribute from the given DOM node.