Uses of Interface

Packages that use Evaluation.Information
viper.comparison Provides the classes necessary to compare Descriptors, including a simple command line application useful for generating graphs between a large number of cases.  

Uses of Evaluation.Information in viper.comparison

Classes in viper.comparison that implement Evaluation.Information
 class ObjectInformation
          Stores precision/recall information for object evaluation.
 class TrackingInformation
          Collects scores for the tracking evaluatoin type

Methods in viper.comparison that return Evaluation.Information
 Evaluation.Information TrackingEvaluation.printEvaluation()
 Evaluation.Information ObjectEvaluation.printEvaluation()
          Print out the results of this evaluation.
 Evaluation.Information FramewiseEvaluation.printEvaluation()
          Prints out the evaluation information after a successful evaluation.
 Evaluation.Information Evaluation.printEvaluation()
          Print out the results of this evaluation.
 Evaluation.Information CompEvaluator.printEvaluationResults(Evaluation eva)
          Runs an evaluation using the given Evaluation object on all of the comparison matrices, summing the results, and returning the sum.

Methods in viper.comparison with parameters of type Evaluation.Information
 void TrackingInformation.add(Evaluation.Information other)
 void TrackingEvaluation.printFooter(Evaluation.Information total)
 void ObjectInformation.add(Evaluation.Information other)
          Sums another information to this one, usually from two different CompMatrices.
 void ObjectEvaluation.printFooter(Evaluation.Information total)
 void FramewiseEvaluation.printFooter(Evaluation.Information total)
          Prints the footer information, including overall scores.
 void Evaluation.printFooter(Evaluation.Information total)
          Prints the footer information, including overall scores.
 void Evaluation.Information.add(Evaluation.Information other)
          Sums another information to this one, usually from two different CompMatrices.