Class TrackingEvaluation.TrackingMeasure

  extended byviper.comparison.distances.AttrMeasure
      extended byviper.comparison.TrackingEvaluation.TrackingMeasure
Enclosing class:

public static class TrackingEvaluation.TrackingMeasure
extends AttrMeasure

A measure specifically designed for tracking, this allows multiple child measures.

Constructor Summary
TrackingEvaluation.TrackingMeasure(java.lang.String attr, java.util.StringTokenizer st, boolean key)
          Constructs a new tracking measure from the given information.
Method Summary
 java.util.List getChildDistances()
          Gets the child measures.
 boolean isKey()
          Determines if this measure is a key measure, meaning that only perfect matches should count, and that it should be used to line up the tracking matches.
Methods inherited from class viper.comparison.distances.AttrMeasure
calculateDistancesAndThresh, distanceAgainst, distanceAgainstDynamic, equals, getDistances, getMetric, getStatistics, getStatThreshold, getStatType, getTolerance, hashCode, isValidFor, isValidMeasure, isValidTolerance, setMetric, setTolerance, thresh, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TrackingEvaluation.TrackingMeasure(java.lang.String attr,
                                          java.util.StringTokenizer st,
                                          boolean key)
                                   throws ImproperMetricException
Constructs a new tracking measure from the given information.

attr - the attribute to associate with
st - the string describing the measure to parse
key - if the measure is a key measure
ImproperMetricException - if there is an error found in the description
Method Detail


public java.util.List getChildDistances()
Gets the child measures.

the child measures


public boolean isKey()
Determines if this measure is a key measure, meaning that only perfect matches should count, and that it should be used to line up the tracking matches.
