Uses of Class

Packages that use ViperTableModel
edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.table Provides a spreadsheet-style table widget to view the different instance descriptors in a data file. 

Uses of ViperTableModel in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.table

Subclasses of ViperTableModel in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.table
 class ContentTable.ContentDataModel
 class FileTable.FileDataModel
 class ObjectTable.ObjectDataModel

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.table that return ViperTableModel
 ViperTableModel AbstractViperTable.getCurrentModel()
          Get the model of the currently selected table (since a vipertable may have more than one table model, like the content pane).

Methods in edu.umd.cfar.lamp.viper.gui.table with parameters of type ViperTableModel
 void AbstractViperTable.setCurrentModel(ViperTableModel model)