Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.apploader.prefs

A preference manager for the application loader.


Interface Summary
ModelListener Listens for changes to an RDF triplestore.
TriggerHandler A TriggerHandler is created and invoked when a preference is set (a preference trigger or flag) and an instance of the property is found on the command line or in the java properties set on start-up of the application.

Class Summary
FileHistoryManager Manages the file history list.
Iso8601Calendar Class for dealing with the ISO-8601 date format commonly found in XML files.
ModelEvent Describes a change in an RDF model.
OptionsManager Manages command-line arguments.
PrefsManager A PrefsManager holds the RDF preferences data for the current setup.
PrintUsage Command-line trigger handler that prints out usage information and exits the program.
PropsToPrefs A TriggerHandler that converts from java properties to AppLoader preferences.

Exception Summary
ArgumentException Thrown when there is an error on the command line.
PreferenceException Thrown by a preference handler to indicate errors loading pref files, errors in pref file format, or incorrect preference access.

Package edu.umd.cfar.lamp.apploader.prefs Description

A preference manager for the application loader. This is what actually contains the application triple-store, which includes the information necessary for an application to load.