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Monday, April 18, 2005

transcode using vlc

Just so you now, to save 'inputfile.avi' as the MPEG-4 video 'outfile.mp4', use the following command line: vlc -vvv inputFile.avi --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,acodec=mpga,vb=800,ab=128}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=mp4,url="outfile.mp4"}}'

Friday, April 08, 2005

fuzzy importance framework for smart fastforward in panoply

Something I doubt has yet to be done: Daniel originally used frame ranking for smart ffwd. I propose a more generic frame-score approach, which has a lot of added benefits. It can still support frame ranking, simply by providing some appropriate map of rank to score, with lower ranks receiving correspondingly lower scores. However, it presents a more generic ability to combine multiple scores or perform transformations, such as arbitrary convolutions, on the scores as a one-dimensional function of time. For example, we could directly map the score to playback speed, with scores at the highest level playing back in realtime or less-than-realtime, and scores at the lowest level perhaps being skipped entirely, or at least only displayed briefly. In the Dotworld interface, I see adding another panel, one which might prove unnecessary for the user, displaying the relevance information currently used for playback. A sparkline could be placed beneath each movie for their relevance, and possibly beneath each actor. These could be summed or unioned somehow to get more interesting information. From the perspective of movie as three-dimensional volume, this would be like extending Jacobs' work on intelligent thumbnails to allow spatial distortion of the images. In space, however, we will likely consider using intelligent cropping only, as such distortions in the spatial domain may prove less useful than simple cropping, or cropping + duplication + scaling.

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