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Media Processing Evaluation Weblog

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

New ViPER Web Page

I've been slowly updating the ViPER web page. I now have the manuals up, and should put up the buglist and a new overview page before the morning. I also hope to get tool specific pages up for viper-gt and viper-pe, as well as the scripting manual.

Complementary Products to ViPER

One of the first products we became aware of was the Carnegie Mellon Informedia project. ViPER can import the Informedia XML metadata format as ground truth or result data, but it cannot convert to it.

More recently, Jon Heggland's OntoLog has appeared, offering a decent interface oriented towards marking up intervals of time in a video. Hopefully, we will expand the ViPER-GT interface to include similar functionality. Already, we plan to support limited interoperability with its RDF data format.

Other tools that may be of interest utilize the MPEG-7 standard for media metadata. These include such tools as IBM's Multimodal Annotation Tool. ViPER doesn't currently interoperate with MPEG-7.

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