ViPER Products
Ground Truth Authoring Tool
There are several products that are being developed in the ViPER project. The product most useful and visible to the end user is the video metadata editing tool, ViPER-GT. It presents a graphical interface to editing ground truth data, and viewing generated metadata.
Performance Evaluation Tool
A command-line tool to evaluate how well a set of generated data compares to ground truth, ViPER-PE allows higher level evaluation through a simple, scriptable command line tool. Designed for work in a Unix environment, it requires a lot of configuration and hand-holding to work properly. As such, it comes with some Unix scripts (that currently don't work in Windows) to make it easier to batch-process evaluations.
Application Loader
Developed in support of a future revision of ViPER-GT, the AppLoader is a developer tool for creating java applications from javabeans without having to recompile to change things like menu structure.
Java MPEG-1 Decoder
We developed a pure java MPEG-1 decoder for use with ViPER after becoming dissatisfied with the lax approach to frame accuracy presented by existing offerings. So, if you need a java MPEG video decoder that provides frame indexing, use the jMpeg pure java decoder.